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4 Signs That Your Veneers Need to Be Replaced

August 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 4:13 pm
woman looking at her mouth in the mirror to determine if she needs to be replacing veneers

When it comes to giving your smile a complete makeover, few cosmetic dental treatments are as effective and versatile as dental veneers. In fact, many celebrities owe their famously dazzling smiles to veneers! Although these sheaths of porcelain are remarkably durable, they’re unfortunately not designed to be permanent. On average, veneers can last for about 10 to 15 years. If wondering when you should consider replacing veneers, keep an eye out for these four signs.

1. The Veneer Looks Darker

Your dentist bonds the veneer to your tooth with dental cement. This material naturally darkens over time to the point where you might be able to observe it through the veneer. Many people are not aware of this and believe the veneer or the underlying tooth is darkening. Sadly, it is impossible to lighten this cement, so your only option is to have your dentist replace the veneer and the cement entirely.

2. Brushing Doesn’t Remove Stains

Certain foods and beverages, like coffee and wine, can discolor veneers in the same way they do natural teeth. Because veneers cannot be whitened, the only way to remove these stains is to brush them. If the stains on your veneers are so deep that brushing doesn’t lift them, they might have to be replaced.

3. The Veneer Is Rough Around the Edges

As veneers are exposed to the daily pressures of biting and chewing, they gradually wear down from the edges. If you run your tongue over the edges of your veneer and feel roughness, ask your dentist about replacing it.

4. You Notice a Gap Between Your Veneer and Your Gums/Teeth

Veneers require the same amount of daily care as any other teeth. If your oral hygiene falls by the wayside, you could develop gum disease, causing your gums to recede and create a gap. The tooth underneath the veneer may also get a cavity, which could weaken it to the point where it can no longer support the veneer. Tell your dentist if you see a gap around your veneer, no matter how small.

Generally, making your veneers last involves taking care of your teeth as you normally would – with regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. However, they still may become worn down over the years despite your best efforts. If you suspect that you need veneer replacement, give your cosmetic dentist a call.

About the Author

Dr. Gary C. Nawrocki has been a dentist in Cocoa Beach, FL for an impressive four decades. Over the course of his career, he has completed advanced training in cosmetic dentistry from Louisiana State’s dental school as well as the prestigious Rosenthal Institute of New York. At Nawrocki Dental of Cocoa Beach, he offers high-quality veneers and is happy to provide tips on helping you make sure they last.  To learn more, contact his dental office at 321-783-7514.