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Restful Rejuvenation: 4 Reasons to Soak Your Dentures at Night

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 8:06 pm
Handing holding a glass of clear liquid with dentures in it

Dentures are a trusted way to refill your smile after tooth loss. Whether you have a full or partial set, they can improve your quality of life by restoring your ability to complete basic tasks like eating and drinking. That said, it’s important to care for them properly if you plan to continue enjoying the many benefits they provide.

There are some things you might be doing that could harm your dentures, however. For example, many patients forget to remove them to soak them at night. While it’s tempting just to leave them in your mouth, this can cause problems over time. Keep reading to learn 4 reasons you should soak your dentures while you sleep.

Reason #1: Dentures Are Porous

Though they appear completely solid to the naked eye, dentures are actually covered in tiny pores. They’re made from acrylic resin which has microscopic holes throughout its composition. That means there are plenty of places for bacteria to hide away. Even if you consistently brush your dentures with a toothbrush, it’s impossible to fully remove these unwanted particles. Soaking your dentures overnight ensures that bacteria don’t have a chance to flourish in the grooves.

Reason #2: Kill Off Germs

While leaving your dentures to soak in a glass of cool water is sufficient to rinse them and keep them moist, it won’t destroy the germs that gather on them throughout the day. Thankfully, there are special solutions made specifically to disinfect your dentures which can kill up to 99.9% of germs. These products are meant to penetrate the pores of your dentures for the most thorough cleanse possible.

Reason #3: Rest Your Gums

Especially if you’re new to dentures, wearing them all day long can leave you feeling achy and sore. The added pressure against your gums and jawbone can cause tenderness as you adjust to having them in. All the supporting muscles in your mouth are working overtime learning to move around them while you chew food or engage in conversation. Removing your dentures for the night gives your gums a well-deserved reprieve.

Reason #4: Avoid Dry Mouth Damage

Your body goes through many shifts and changes as you grow older. For example, the mouths of older adults contain more bacteria. Not only that, but many prescriptions required for conditions like heart problems or diabetes can cause dry mouth. That gives all those extra unhealthy microbes plenty of opportunity to attack your teeth and gums. Soaking your dentures overnight keeps them moist and in shape as well as germ-free. It helps keep your dental work as well as your grin fresh and rejuvenated!

By caring for your dentures appropriately, you’ll have a full, happy smile for years to come!

About the Author

Dr. Gary Nawrocki has four decades of experience improving his patients’ lives by enhancing their oral health. He received his Doctorate in Dentistry from the University of Florida in 1980. Since then, he has completed thousands of hours of continuing education so that he can always provide the latest treatments using the most advanced technology and techniques. If you’ve suffered from tooth loss and need dentures, you are welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (321) 783-7514.