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Do You Know the 5 Key Benefits of Gum Recontouring?

November 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 4:15 am
Close-up of perfect female teeth and gums

When you smile in the mirror, do your gums crowd out your teeth? Having a “gummy” smile can lower your self-confidence and make you less likely to grin around others. Fortunately, a cosmetic dentist in Cocoa Beach can help with a procedure called gum recontouring. Want to know more? Keep reading to discover the five key benefits of gum recontouring and whether you are a good candidate.

What Is Gum Recontouring?

Gum recontouring is a cosmetic procedure to remove excess gum tissue to create a more even, attractive smile. In the past, reshaping a gumline was a major surgical procedure that involved cutting the tissue around teeth with a scalpel. Sounds painful! Thankfully, advanced dental technology has changed everything.

These days, a cosmetic dentist in Cocoa Beach can quickly and painlessly remove excess gum tissue with a dental laser. The laser instantly cauterizes the remaining gum tissue as well, which results in less bleeding both during and after surgery. In addition, laser therapy kills oral bacteria on the gums, reducing the likelihood of infection.

Benefits of Laser Gum Contouring

1. Removes Excess Gum Tissue

The biggest benefit of gum recontouring is allowing people to see more of your pearly whites by removing excess gum tissue. With a more even smile, you will likely feel more confident and relaxed in social settings. The next time someone grabs the camera for a group photo, you won’t want to shy away! 

2. Brightens Your Smile

Letting your teeth take center stage instead of your gums can make your smile seem brighter. You can follow gum recontouring with professional teeth whitening for even more dazzling results.

3. Prevents Tooth Decay

Excessive gum tissue can trap tiny bits of food and make it more difficult to clean your teeth, increasing your risk of getting cavities. In addition to enhancing your appearance, gum recontouring helps keep your teeth healthy and decay-free.

4. Quick Procedure and Recovery

Gum recontouring can typically be completed in a single visit to a cosmetic dentist. Afterward, your gums may feel swollen or sensitive for a few days. These symptoms should go away within 10 days or so. 

5. Permanent Solution

Because gum tissue does not regrow, gum recontouring is a permanent medical procedure. Once your gums are reshaped, you will never have to worry about your grin growing “gummy” again!

Are You a Good Candidate?

In general, most adults with a “gummy” smile are candidates for gum recontouring if they are in good overall health. If you have gum disease, tooth decay, or other dental trouble, you will need to address those issues before reshaping your gumline.

If you want to reclaim your confidence and achieve a more even, attractive smile, talk to your dentist today about gum recontouring!

About the Author

Dr. Gary Nawrocki earned his dental doctorate from the University of Florida and he’s completed thousands of hours of continuing education over the years to stay current on the ever-evolving landscape of dental technology. He is proud to have a Mastership with the Academy of General Dentistry. Now that you are more familiar with the benefits of gum recontouring, know that Dr. Nawrocki offers this service to improve the proportion of your gums and teeth, or it can be done for therapeutic purposes prior to doing other types of dental work such as a veneer, crown, or bridge. Schedule a consultation on his website or call (321) 783-7514.