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What Makes Dental Implants So Successful?

August 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nawrockidentalteam @ 6:49 pm
digital illustration of dental implants in Cocoa Beach

While you have plenty of options when it comes to replacing missing teeth, there is one choice that clearly stands above the rest: dental implants. This unique type of restoration replaces the roots of a missing tooth as well as its crown for results that are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth! What’s more, they can easily last a lifetime with the right care. That’s quite an improvement from dental bridges and dentures that only last five to seven years. Once a dental implant has been positioned by a professional, there’s a 95% chance that it will stay firmly in place for at least a decade afterwards. So what makes dental implants in Cocoa Beach so successful? Read on to find out!

Advanced Technology

Dentistry has advanced by leaps and bounds over the past several years thanks to advanced dental technology. Equipment like the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner can provide far more details than a digital X-ray can. This information is vital to choosing the best, most successful place for a dental implant.

Experience & Expertise

Perhaps the most important factor in the success of a dental implant is the expertise of the dentist placing it. A dentist needs advanced training and experience in order to perform the dental implant placement surgery. Many dentists refer their patients out to specialists to ensure the highest success rate for this step. Other dentists undergo rigorous training to gain that knowledge themselves and provide start-to-finish convenience for their patients.

High-Quality Materials

Dental implants are made of titanium, which is a material that is often used in surgeries like hip replacements. Titanium is bio-compatible, which means that the body is likely to accept it as its own and integrate with it. This process is called osseointegration, and it’s what holds the dental implant in the jawbone just like a natural tooth.

Jawbone Preservation

The roots of your teeth stimulate the jawbone every time you chew and speak. When a tooth goes missing, that area of the jawbone naturally begins to deteriorate. Since dentures and dental bridges only replace the crowns of missing teeth, they do nothing to prevent this issue. However, since dental implants replace the roots of missing teeth, they encourage circulation in the jawbone and help keep it strong!

Easy Daily Care

Just like natural teeth, dental implants can only last a lifetime if they’re taken care of properly. Fortunately, dental implants don’t require any special care, techniques, or tools to keep clean and healthy! All you need to do is practice good oral hygiene, stop bad chewing habits, and visit your dentist twice a year for checkups.

Dental implants aren’t just the most lifelike tooth replacement option. They’re also the most successful! Thanks to the above factors, your dental implants in Cocoa Beach are likely to last a lifetime.

About the Practice

At Nawrocki Dental of Cocoa Beach, we strive to offer our patients the very best dentistry has to offer. We truly believe that dental implants are the gold standard of tooth replacement, and we’re proud to perform every step of this intricate treatment right here in our office. With our advanced technology and Dr. Gary Nawrocki’s extensive training, we can help you rebuild your smile from the roots up. To learn more, we can be contacted online or at (321) 783-7514.